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What should i do if....?

Here is some handy information on what to do if you find a sick or injured animal.


What to do if you find an injured bird.

If you find an injured bird, place them in a box and keep them in a quiet, dark and warm place. It may be that the bird is in shock and will soon recover so you can let it go.If the bird is more seriously injured, contact your local vet or wildlife rescue and arrange to have the bird brought in to asses any injuries. If a bird has been caught by a cat, it will need pain relief and antibiotics, regardless of how well it may seem.


What to do if you find a stray cat

If you find a stray cat avoid feeding it unless it is particularly underweight, this will encourage the cat to come back even if it has an owner. It is normally easy to tell if a cat is feral, as will not be happy when approached and will run. If the cat appears friendly and you can catch it take to your local vets to check for a microchip.If  the cat is not friendly it may be feral, contact us, or any cat related rescue- attempting to catch the cat may be stressful for it and it may cause harm to you or itself.It will need to be safely trapped by an experienced team.


What to do if you find a stray dog

If the dog is healthy looking it may have just escaped from an owner. If the dog is friendly you may be able to check for a tag, with a contact number.If possible take the dog to the nearest vet to scan for a microchip. If you cannot get close to the dog please don’t attempt to chase the dog it may be frightened and can cause harm to you or itself. Contact us or another dog related rescue. 
All stray and non microchipped dogs MUST be reported to the local dog warden.We work with local councils with stray and abandoned dogs, so can assist with the dog if it not chipped or if the dogs owner cannot be traced.


What to do if you find a hedgehog

Hedgehogs usually hibernate between November through to mid March. It is unusual to see a Hedgehog staggering around during winter or in daylight, so if you do see one it may need a helping hand. Hedgehogs are wild animals so being handled is a stressful experience for them. Prepare a cardboard box with high sides by lining with a towel or scrunched up newspaper so the Hedgehog can hide. Find yourself a pair of gardening gloves before gently scooping the Hedgehog into the box. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO PICK IT UP WITH BARE HANDS. Keep the box in a quiet, warm space. We can take hedgehogs, and work closely with local vets and also other wildlife facilities.We can assess if the hedgehog needs veterinary assistance or medical treatment.
We rehabilitate and soft release all our rescue hedgehogs 


What to do if I find an orphaned wild animal

Sadly, spring and summer is a busy time for us with orphaned wildlife.Sometimes babies can be orphaned following a road collision, being separated from their family, injury or various other reasons.
We get a lot of ducklings and fledglings over summer months.
If you find a baby animal that you feel is in need of help please contact us.Do not touch the baby until you have spoken to someone who can advise you on the safest way to deal with the situation. 
Babies are always best left with their family, but sometimes intervention is needed.

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